Welcome to nuclearvillage.com

Welcome to the end of the internet, there is no more to see, you have seen it all. press your back button now, or keep reading on to find out a bit more about nuclearvillage and its website. Which will probably be under construction from now until the end of time itself. As well I have no clue what I want to do with this server. I would love to have constructive suggestions. No "Make a p0rn site now!" or "Make A Guild with that name" please. I don't want porn and as guilds go I can easily host them from the server as http://www.nuclearvillage.com/guildnamehere. So that makes it a mute point. As it currently stands, My top choices are a domain which specializes in computer security or scientific theory. However I open to more suggestions currently at this time.

Posted on Feb 20, 2010 by Michael


This website is ran by the one and only Michael Guinn, you can contact him several ways, from http://www.myspace.com/guinns, or you can use the following michael (at) nuclearvillage.com.

Posted on Feb 20, 2010 by Michael

Posted on Feb 20, 2010 by Michael